
Monday, April 13, 2020

The Doll Museum and Covid 19

What does a doll museum in quarantine do?

Like so many other small businesses and non profits; American Doll and Toy Museum is shut down until further notice.  We hope and pray Covid 19 will soon cease to be a threat for all of us, and that we will be safe, living our normal lives.

Meanwhile, here’s what we do working from home and behind closed doors:

  1. We make doll hats and find shoes and clothing for dolls that need them.
  2. We refurbish and repair our own dolls that have been on the back burner.  We are not, however, a doll hospital, only our dolls are patients.
  3. We unpack boxes and suitcases we haven’t had a chance to unpack before.
  4. We rearrange ourselves.
  5. We work on doll book and other writing projects.
  6. We look for grants and fundraisers to help the museum stay alive.
  7. We plan for our newer, bigger building.
  8. We make dolls and miniatures when we can.
  9. We maintain our Etsy store, DrEsToyMuseum.
  10. We dust and clean.
  11. We read and study about dolls and toys.
  12. We work on doll houses that need furnishing.
  13. We maintain Pinterest boards, blog, work on our Facebook Pages, and stay in touch with friends and family virtually, and through writing old fashioned letters and cards.
  14. We pray a lot.
  15. We don’t give up.  Don’t you, either!

We don’t do these things in any special order.  Bee safe, be well, Blessed Easter, Blessed Passover, Blessed Greek Orthodox Easter.

Furnishing a doll house

Unpacking, moving, rearranging!

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