
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Keep Smiling!

If ever we needed Shirley Temple, we need her optimism and sunny smile, now.  Yet, we can remember her, and other friends and family no longer with us by smiling in the face of this adversity, and by having hope.  I see the signs of hope; a fat robin the other day, two doves sleeping on the curb yesterday, late afternoon on a peaceful evening.   The occasional blue sky.

It is hard.  My anxiety is caused by the reactions of others.  Panicked buying, very slow restocking, crowds where there shouldn't be.  The rumors, of course.  I'd like to say welcome to the People's Republic of Illinois.  We are blessed, because we have maybe one case in a community of nearly 400,000, yet we are still enduring restrictions, fear, and shortages.  My family in California has it much worse.  My friends across the world can't step out of their homes.  I guess it's all relative, no puns.  So far, God willing, we are all healthy,  Yet, it's hard not to feel like we've all been cast in The Walking Dead.

The Museum, of course, is closed, shortly after it has been opened, and our plans are slowed down re our new location.  Everyone we need to work with on it is closed, but it will happen.  We're just delayed.

Her are some new doll pictures of museum citizens to make you all smile, and to amuse you in quarantine, self imposed or otherwise.  In this case, I thank God for technology which keeps us connected.

Try to check on your remote friends and family, even a text helps.  Stay Healthy, and God Bless!

Brooke by Heritage Galleries.  My mother promised her to me twenty+ years ago when
I graduated school.  She was in a store in Nashville, IL, part of an old Hotel, and full of
Dolls.  She was expensive then, and we just didn't make it back to get her.  Then I  lost my mom, and later, my dad.  I found her on line and bough her for all fo us.

I have been dressing dolls while being exiled.  I found this outfit
the other day, and it reads, "HOPE."

A Happy Corner of our Museum World

Barbies, Black Dolls, and Doll Houses

A recent addition that is also a rescue.  Happy Easter.

A recent vinyl Shirley from our large selection of them.  She smiles to remind us to do so, too.

Beautiful, vintage papier mache doll from Mexico, c. 1970.

Sweet Patti Playpal with Original Dress

Small dolls, include handmade cloth example on right from
South america.  My mother's picture is in the background; she's
sitting in her classroom at school.

Happy Kewpie

Vintage and antique cases

Antique Bear in an old dress; love her

We love elephants!

Illustration from my forthcoming book, Doll Collage. Snap shot
is for sale with others in our Etsy Store; Dr. Es Toy Museum.

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