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Monday, April 29, 2019

Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: From The Doll by Carl Fox

Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: From The Doll by Carl Fox: Here is a quote that seemed to be written for us; it's from The Doll by Carl Fox, who was a museum curator who collected d...

Friday, April 19, 2019

Celebrating Easter 2019

Here are some photos to enjoy this season of Easter, Passover, Greek Easter, and Spring!

Meet Thomas Edison's phonograph doll - Antique Trader

Meet Thomas Edison's phonograph doll - Antique Trader: Introduced in 1890, Thomas Edison's phonograph doll is a rarity sought out by collectors. It played wax cylinders created by Alexander Graham Bell.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: For Notre Dame, Our Lady

Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: For Notre Dame, Our Lady: We at the Dr. E Doll Museum Blogs [Greek, Spanish & Japanese], American Doll and Toy Museum , and International Doll Museum exp...

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: The Doll Collecting Blues

Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: The Doll Collecting Blues:   Lately, times have been less than happy or easy.   We are very close now to getting a building, and are holding fundraisers.   Yet, it i...