
Sunday, July 22, 2018

Ruby Lane Dolls on Pinterest; Check out these Boards!

I love Pinterest.  It reminds me of playing mah jong on the old 386 computer I got in school, or on my mah jong board with its pretty tiles. In fact, a mah jong board ison my bucket list of things for my museum.

Recently, I began pinning to Ruby Lane's boards and also creating new boards.  What I like most about doing this is that I'm informally creating a site map for doll collecting  Each day, I come up with a new category, which helps me to organize the dolls that I pin.  I have categories for celebrity and historical dolls called "I'm ready for my close up", and a subsection for advertising dolls.  "Fabulous, Nifty, and Under Fifty" features dolls and doll related objects that cost under $50.  Official boards like Spotlight on Ruby Lane Dolls and New Arrivals on the Dolls Lane feature the newest dolls.  There are boards for international dolls, Japanese dolls, Vintage Vinyl dolls, Madame Alexander, Vintage Barbie, Ginny, doll houses, miniature dolls, artist dolls, and boards featuring dolls, toy, and miniature museums. There are even boards for the doll blogs and videos of Ruby Lane.

Reviewing the Ruby Lane Doll Boards and following them is free, and is a wonderful crash course and doll reference site for collectors, dealers, and doll lovers a like.  Beginning collectors, kids who collect, and museum curators will all get something out of these boards. So, log on, explore, and enjoy!  Who knows, you could very well find a doll to fall in love with along the way. :)

Ruby Lane Boards on Pinterest

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