
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Doll Xmas and January Pourri

Madame Secretary and the Mini, spider drone:  You know it's the hottest toy/accessory when it appears on one of the hottest shows on TV.  Go Tim Daly, whose sister, Tyne, by the way, allegedly collects dolls.  Wings, anyone?

Image result for madam secretary drone public domain
Public Domain

Mannequin Challenge: This is the strange phenomena when people sit still and try to pretend they are mannequins.  It is life imitating dolls.  I've seen Cheryl Ladd do it as a big Raggedy doll in Charlie's Angels.  She was on assignment, though.  Some crimes have been part of the big MC, too. 

Image result for mannequin challenge public domain
Public Domain

Clowns on Netflix Urban Legends:  This is my epitaph for the death of Ringling Bros. Circus.  They talked about the showman's cemetery where many circus performers, including clowns, are buried in unmarked or mass graves after a fiery 1918 train crash.  As for me, I am collecting as many clown dolls as I can find. When Ronald McDonald was forced out, the handwriting was on the wall . .

Image result for clown cemetery chicago public domain
Showmen's Rest, Clown Cemetery, Chicago Public Domain

Johnny Carson and CPKs:  On the Tonight Show Reruns, dolls are frequently spoofed or featured.  A Christmas c. 1983 show talked about the CPK mania.  Tonight, a Jan. 1989 show spoofed Garfield dolls people had on their cars.  I know I had mine :)  One time, I got lost and searched and searched for Garfield on my Wild Strawberry Edition Ford Escort, LN 2ksk381.  Darned if the same car wasn't there, complete with a Garfield on the same window, and the 2ksk on the plate.  It wasn't my car!! Carson did videos with people barbecuing poor Garfield, using his head as a golf ball or tennis ball, etc. I still have my Garfield car doll, and many other Garfields to boot.  Do you know where your Garfield is?

Image result for johnny carson cabbage patch kids dolls 1983 public domain
Public domain
Image result for johnny carson cabbage patch kids dolls 1983 public domain
Public Domain
Image result for garfield  doll  public domain
Public Domain

Hatchimals:  I'm still looking for mine.  I'm not willing to shell out an arm and a leg.  My theory on these things is that they will start to show up at yard sales in a season or two  Bad news if you speculate on the secondary market, and good news if you are a serious collector of dolls and toys who wants an example for a future museum.  We watch, and we wait.  always.
Image result for hatchimals public domain
Public Domain

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