
Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Frozen Charlottes and All Bisque Dolls, also Penny...

Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Frozen Charlottes and All Bisque Dolls, also Penny...: Here is a link from The Doll Works w great pictures...

The Early 19th Century

Early dolls of this era come in many varieites. Materials include carton, wax, and wood covered in gesso. Some of the so called Queen Anne dolls of wood covered over in gesso with cloth joints are really Georgian dolls from the early 19th century. There were also dolls of cloth, and various native materials like leather and cornhusks. There were Native American dolls of many kinds, and these are well represented in works by Carl Fox [The Doll] and Max Von Boehn, [Dolls and puppets].
There were marionettes and puppets of many kinds from all over the world. A great site to study these is and Jean Lotz Wooden Doll website. Also, a reread of Laura Starr’s The Doll Book would be instructive at this point. It is on Google books for free download.
Early accounts of the Brontë children indicate that they had as toys wooden soldiers and dolls of wax. For allegedly impoverished children of the clergy, these were relatively luxurious toys, while paper dolls in Europe became the rage in the late 18th century and the vogue continued with sets like The History of Little Fanny and The History of Little Henry. Milliner’s models with their elaborate coiffures and legends of being used as hat models or hat stands began to make their way into toy catalogs around 1820. China heads will be discussed in another posting, but china figures began to be made in large quantities after The Industrial Revolution and many became dolls and doll heads in no time.
There are many gesso covered and ivory crèche figures and Santos from this time as well in Hispanic countries and colonies, and other countries in Europe and North and South America. Queen Victoria's doll collection of 132 dolls she and Baroness Lehzen, her governess dresed, are also legendary. These were tiny jointed wooden dolls with tuck combs in their laquered hair.
In the near future, we will explore different types of ceramic dolls and figures, and more made of metal.
Above are images of Queen Victoria's dolls.

Welcome to my New Follower

Welcome New Follower! We now have 11, and I am very pleased to make your acquaitance. Please feel free to comment on our posts, and to visit our other blog about dolls, Dr. E's Doll Museum. New tidbit; for those interested in mechanical dolls and robots, check out Mystery Hunters, which was on yesterday morning on LWN TV. They talked about Neanderthal people, and robots. Both interesting topics.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Welcome to our New Follower!

Welcome with all our heart! You may also like our other blogs, including Dr. E's Doll Museum at For those interested in further sociological study of dolls and doll play, look up on Google Books Granville Stanley Hall's 1897 treatise, A Study of Dolls. It is a free book and very informative. I'd like to write a little bit about "magic" and dolls. To get a background and understand the importance of magic in early civilizations, read David Abrams' essay "The Ecology of Magic" in the Norton Anthology of Nature Literature. Abrams marries well the concepts of artifact importance with spirituality and nature worship. Like the Goddess figures addressed in one of our earlier blogs, other dolls and human figurines were sacred objects, sometimes imbued by their makers with spiritual powers, which later societies translate as "magic" or even "voodoo." While little Puritan children did have pastimes and toys despite the rigidiy of their upbringing, dolls or poppets were often associated with black magic, anf thus seriously frowned upon. I think there is a scene in one of the televised versions of The Crucible where a doll figures in damning an accused witch. Voodoo dolls are legendary for the evil they can allegedly perpertrate in the wrong hands, and Carl Fox in The Doll pitures a two headed, topsy turvy hex doll, once in the Mary Merrit museum, which I actually bid on when the museum as auctioned. Alas, I lost. I thought my bid would win, never dreaming of the interest in this type of object. Max von Boehn devotes entire chapters to the doll as magic/ritual figure, and and also addresses the doll as an object of ancestral worship in various Asian and African societies. A study of the Asian Immortals would be relevant here.
The interest in the study of material culture would be a good place to talk about the doll as a ritual figure, or in any of its capacity besides an object of play. Kachinas, certain santos, some of the tomb fibures, Mandrake root figures, and similar doll objects would make interesting studies. Also, Laura Starr in her 1908 The Doll Book, also free on Google Books and Kindle, also undertakes to describe magic and ritual uses of dolls.
Finally, don't discount the haunted doll movement; whether one beleives in haunted objects or not, one has to admit that there are many scholarly studies of them memories certain objects can invoke. We will continue our informal chronological study of dolls on this site, and include other relevant information of interest to our followers. The book on Metal Dolls is inching its way to publication, my hands are a little better, my typing not, and we continue to look at brick and mortar possibilities to house our museum. For more on how dolls affect people in various aspects of society, and for a study on their role in creatvity, look up
Elinor Peace Bailey, Mother Plays with Dolls. EPM Publictions, McClean, VA.1990.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Memoir; Writing your Life Story: A Recipe Book

Memoir; Writing your Life Story: A Recipe Book: Good Morning! I am writing/compiling a recipe/craft/puzzle book to sell as a fundraiswer for my school club. We sponsor local charities, c...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: More Portraits

Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: More Portraits: Jointed, all wooden folk doll, painted features. Age unknown at this time. Modern bisque, very good quality procelain, cloth body a...

Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Portraits of some of The Museum Residents

Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Portraits of some of The Museum Residents: These are all faces of The Museum from our collection; my husband took most of the photos, and more of his work is at Thanks ...